Hosted by Czarina Matthews, the Mental Wellness Youth Peace Rally is a half-day event filled with guided conversation about mental wellness for pre-teens, teens and parents!
During the Mental Wellness Youth Peace Rally, teens and parents will receive tips, tools, strategies & steps to safety.
Register today!
Czarina Matthews is a Breast Cancer Survivor and Thriver, a Mental Health Advocate, and a Lover of Peace and Serenity. She is extremely passionate about helping others, and she is very intentional about giving hope, sharing love, and creating peace. Czarina is a Virtual Peace Influencer, an Author, Creator of the Peace & Czarinaty Lifestyle Brand, and Founder of iCreate Peace Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that exists to educate, inspire, and empower all generations to find, create, and maintain inner peace. Their mission is to save overwhelmed Parents, overlooked Children & Youth, and Families who have experienced trauma by offering a compassionately safe environment, supportive community, and an experience of healing.
Provide some insight about your child
Czarina Matthews, Founder
iCreate Peace Foundation
1525 US Hwy 380, Suite 500 #222 | Frisco, TX 75033
PH: (469) 304-6194 | Email: |